
致命遊戲 The Game (1997) 經典台詞

Discovering the object of the game IS the object of the game.

致命ID Identity (2003) 經典台詞

As I was going up the stairs, I met a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today. I wish, I wish he'd go away.

天才雷普利 The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) 經典台詞

Don't you just take the past and put it in a room in the basement, and lock the door and never go in there? And then you meet someone special and all you want to do is toss them the key. Say "Open up. Step inside." 
你想將過去扔進地下室的小房間,上鎖,然後再也不進去。 然而會有一天,你遇到一個特別的人,讓你只想將房間的鑰匙交給他,對他說:"打開門,進來吧"。

殭屍哪有這麼帥 Warm Bodies (2013) 經典台詞

This date is not going well. I want to die all over again.


啟動原始碼 Source Code (2011) 經典台詞

What would you do if you knew you had less than one minute to live?   I'd make those seconds count.
